Tired Tuesday

I’m so ready to be home with just Lucky! I love these dogs, don’t get me wrong. I’m just tired and ready to go home.

She needs a bath but still adorable!
Did my best on a photo to send their mommy!

I’m standing outside talking to my contractor when this branch just decided it had enough and fell. It’s not dead. The best we can tell due to the squirrels chittering after it happened is that they were playing up there and the branch couldn’t bear the weight and fell. My contractor said it best – Y’all have to stop feeding these squirrels if they can bring down a branch! 😂😂😂

We had 2 homes sell this week and I am excited for both of the new owners. One a single male around 60 (maybe younger – I’m not good at telling age) and a couple with a daughter. They are being very picky in order to buy it but that’s fine. At least I will know that home is in great shape!

I went to the other house for lunch and locked the dogs in the house after taking them outside for 15 minutes. The lawn people come on Tuesday afternoons so I can’t let the dogs out. Another hour and a half and I will be there anyway. They can wait a few hours.

I made Lucky a grooming appointment for Friday morning. After 2 weeks with 5 dogs, he needs a bath! Then he can come home with me all clean! Yay!

I already started bringing stuff home, stuff I don’t need in the evenings over there. I have been stuffing my suitcase with dirty clothes. I’m still debating on doing a load of laundry on Thursday so I won’t have to when I come home on Friday. I also need to wash their towels and sheets that were used before I leave Friday. I found a vacuum so I can do that too. I still haven’t found a dust pan to pick up what I swept and I am going to take my cleaning supplies to clean on Thursday. Yes, they have a cleaning woman but I wouldn’t want her to complain to the owners. I always clean up after myself.

But that’s a Thursday problem. I am going to try and stay awake until 3! Have a good day. ☀️

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